Heavy Duty Poly Storage Tanks - Bailiff Enterprises
Recycling Plastic Tanks
An advantage of using plastic storage tanks is that many of
them can be disposed of by recycling. Tanks that are made
from HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Polypropylene and PVDF can be cleaned
and recycled after their usefulness as a tank is finished.
Recyling the plastic is an environmentally respsonsible thing to
do. Check with recycling companies in your area for more
Tanks must be cleaned of any chemical residue before the
plastic can be recycled. Once the tank is cleaned, it can
be cut into pieces with basic power saws to make the plastic
easier to transport. Ultimately the plastic needs to be
cut into small enough pieces to fit into a grinder for
recycling. The size of piece that can fit in a grinder
varies with the grinder. A good rule of thumb for the size
that will fit in the grinder is about 15" wide by 24" long.
Check with your plastics recycler for more information.
Recycling companies will pay for scrap plastic. The
amount they will pay depends on the type of plastic, the amount
you have, the size of the pieces and the general market demand
at that time. When considering whether to recyle plastic
tanks, you should also consider the cost of other types of
disposal including space taken in dumpsters or yard space taken
up with old tanks.
While many kinds of plastic can be recycled, you should know
that 'thermoset' plastics can not be re-used. The most
common type of thermoset plastic used for tanks is XLPE
(Crosslink Polyethylene). Thermoset plastics can not be