Heavy Duty Poly Storage Tanks - Bailiff Enterprises
Sulfuric Acid Storage Tanks
have Double
Wall Sulfuric Acid Storage Tanksfor
Sulfuric Acid in concentrations of 75% to 97%
made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). We
recommend using a tank rated for at least1.9
specific gravity. We have tanks rated
up to 2.2 specific gravity for extra safety.
Fittings should either bewelded-in
polyethylene flanges or couplings; or, CPVC
threaded fittings with Viton Gaskets.
storing high concentration Sulfuric Acid in a
polyethylene tank, a key aspect to consider is
the temperature of the liquid. If water is
introduced to the acid, heat will be generated
that may exceed the maximum continuous use
temperature of the tank. Polyethylene tanks are
great for storing Sulfuric Acid but should not
be used for mixing or diluting the acid.